It's a funny thing, starting a business with your friends. You are united by your commonalities; children, hobbies, social circles... the people and activities of your every day. These things that bind you to others are often subtle and your connections grow. Friends come and go, but sometimes you find a couple of people who stick; people you want to be around, people you want to spend time with and do things with... things like starting an edible garden business.
When Jen, Claudia, and I began developing the idea of Garden a la Carte, we knew we had something special. It was fun to brainstorm and dream about what our business could be some day. We're all so different; each from a unique background with strengths, weaknesses, experiences, and desires. As we spent more time together and navigated the strange path of starting a business, something surprising happened. We found the things which originally brought us together could not possibly bind us together as tightly as the challenges and struggles which come from melding different ideas, methodology, and plans for the future. Real relationships, deep and meaningful relationships, are forged through commonality and conflict. You learn the content of a person when you weather differences together

Garden a la Carte is almost two years old. We have learned so much about running a business, deciding what we want our business to be and how we want people to see what we do. We've felt the growing pains of defining our roles and making decisions about products, events to attend, and many other nuances of business ownership. We have made so many new friends and connections. We have been blessed with the love and support of our friends and families... many people have been with us through our infancy and we're so grateful. We still have so much to learn and we'll do it together. Jen, Claudia, and I are excited to keep growing together.
We were recently featured in an article by VoyageMIA Magazine. Check it out when you get a chance!
We are continuing our Plants & Pints events at LauderAle Brewery in this new year, as well. We'd love to see you there. Come share our love of edible gardening and get to know us... your edible garden experts.